We have begun a new page to sort the Retreats comments from the Big Island Yoga on the Beach ones.

This year's Breitenbush Retreat was nothing short of FABULOUS, and we can't wait to create a a new Winter Getaway on the Big Island.  

Be the first to share your retreat experiences here.  

Aloha Calley! 
Such a beautiful message from you. Such a beautiful retreat. Since I left, my mantra has been ‘Rise Up’. 

I have been practicing with you each day with the Full Body Elixir DVD and my shoulder is so much better. Taking care of myself is a lot of work, but is so worth it when I see the healing that is taking place. 

I think I am finally getting it, and I am so grateful for you and your wise teachings. You are a gifted, blessed healer my dear sister. 

Your Email:*
I am taking the Rainbow Light calcium/mag + 3 times a day and I will be ordering more from the list on your site this week.

I gave one Elixir DVD to my friend, Bonnie and did the practice with her. She liked it. I am sharing the practice with another friend on Friday morning, and then I have yet another friend to practice with.

There is a lot of interest and some people are asking me to teach again. If I do, it would only be your compassionate healing yoga. Would you mind if I modeled after your teaching? I am not there yet, but I aspire to someday teaching again. 

Again, thank you soooooo much for the beautiful, healing experience at Breitenbush.

I love you dearly. Les

Hi Calley

Excellent workshop! You're a wonderful teacher - radiant witness! Thank you for sharing your spirit self with us all. I just read everything on your websites. You're an inspiration.

Please do send us the closing prayer you shared. Anni & I both send our love & appreciation for all you are & do.

Michael & Anni Powell

Comment from Calley:  Those prayers will soon be posted to the website, and we will share the link.

Dear Calley,

It was a pleasure and an honor to meet you and spend time with you! I learned so much physically and mentally. I felt like a huge sponge that just wanted to soak up and remember all these positive, healthy and insightful things.

You are truly blessed with a gift to enlighten others. I wish you many good things in the year to come! I will send good thoughts your way often.


Awesome warrior flower children women! Thank you Calley for this beautiful workshop and all of your efforts to create this sacred space

Thank you all for this incredible workshop and all of your efforts to get there, your brave and kind hearts

Your fearlessness Your willingness to try something new 
Best women’s retreat that I happened to be in!  💕💕💕💕
July, 2019

Breitenbush-2019 was a phenomenal experience! 12 beautiful new spiritual friendships along with hours & hours of Full Body Elixir rejuvenation! All within a lush, natural hot springs environment. 

Calley has an innate ability to motivate and teach, and her workshop gives each participant skills & knowledge for continuing the practice of Full Body Elixir on their own. Mahalo, mahalo, mahalo Calley! See y'all again next year!

Mary, July 2019

Very cool, when can I sign up! I am so grateful for Breitenbush and your teaching Calley. Just arrived home yesterday night and am going to download your DVD right after this email. With all of the pushes and pulls in my life, keeping health and sanity is a discipline and I am happy to have your practice as part of my adventure.

Many blessing
Leslie Goresky
July, 2019

Calley says:  Next year's retreat will be Thur, June 25 - Sun, June 28, 2020.

Contact Calley 

[email protected]
Text:  (808) 987-7003

Enjoy Calley's Art at
and The Rama

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